May The 4th Be With You! Graveltooth at the ABGB
May 4, 2018 @ 8:00 pm - 11:30 pm
The Hippie House and The The ABGB Present:
May The 4th Be With You:
A Star Wars Party at The ABGB!
We will be featuring:
2 Sets of Graveltooth!
• Wookieoke (Yes, that is karaoke for Wooks) •
• Han ‘Solo’ Air Guitar Battle •
• Live Painting •
• Craft Vendors •
• Art Installations •
All Ages Event!
Costumes are strongly encouraged!
More details to come!
The ABGB is located in South Austin at 1305 W Oltorf St, Austin, TX 78704
More about The Hippie House :: The Hippie House all began in a backyard in South Austin. Our belief was that art & music, when used in conjunction, are the most powerful tools that we as humans possess today.
The Hippie House serves as a canvas for local artists, musicians, photographers, crafters, students and educators to collaborate in commUNITY. When we create together we create a safe space for artists and music lovers alike that survives on a symbiotic relationship based on transparency and LOVE. Our duty as the House is to spread your art, teachings, learning through a variety of different mediums we call “Gatherings”